About Us
Great Food at Leeds is the name for Catering services at the University of Leeds.
Providing customers with quality fresh food at competitive prices is at the heart of what we strive to achieve through the facilities and services we offer across campus.
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Latest News
- GFaL x UoL Libraries Giveaway 2.0October 22, 2024 - 10:09 am
- U Dine Residential Dining Award Winners!June 14, 2024 - 3:14 pm
- GFaL x UoL Libraries GiveawayMay 9, 2024 - 3:05 pm
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Meal Plan FAQs
For delivered food enquiries please contact delivery@leeds.ac.uk.
You can email the Great Food at Leeds team at gfal@leeds.ac.uk or follow us on social media:
Fairtrade Fortnight 2023
As part of our commitment to Fairtrade, we have been focusing on Fairtrade products, ingredients and suppliers as part of Fairtrade Fortnight 2023, which took place from Monday 27 February – Sunday 12 March 2023.
At Great Food at Leeds we are passionate about Fairtrade and have been responsibly sourcing and selling Fairtrade food and drink products in our outlets since 2003. In 2022 the University renewed its Fairtrade University status, securing a two star award for the academic years 2020/21 and 2021/22.
What is Fairtrade?
Fairtrade aims to tackle the injustices of conventional trade and ensure that their farmers have decent working conditions and prices for the crops they grow.
We understand that choosing Fairtrade and ethically sourced products is one way we stand with those vulnerable communities at the front line of the climate crisis.
What is Fairtrade Fortnight?
Fairtrade Fortnight is an annual celebration of all things Fairtrade. This year, the event focused on encouraging people to switch to Fairtrade products so that farmers and workers overseas can protect the plant and safeguard the future of some of the UK’s favourite foods.
Great Food at Leeds and Fairtrade Fortnight 2023
Working with staff and students from a plethora of services and schools across the University, we have been busy showing our support for the farmers and workers behind our Fairtrade food and drink!
Here is how we got involved:
How can you get involved?
As a customer, you can be part of the Fairtrade movement – this applies all year round, not just during Fairtrade Fortnight! You have the power to drive long-term change, through your shopping choices and spreading the Fairtrade message.
You can get involved in local campaigns, Fairtrade Yorkshire has information on this. Support Fairtrade shops and cafés in the local area, see Fairtrade Leeds for details, or cook some recipes using Fairtrade products. If you missed our delicious sticky toffee pudding in the Refectory, why not have a go at making it yourself?
Follow our recipe below and share your bake with us on Instagram, @greatfoodleeds.
Sticky Toffee Pudding
Ingredients (makes 8 portions)
Sticky Toffee Pudding