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Seabrook Crisps – Lovingly Made In Yorkshire

Great Food at Leeds

is proud to support our local suppliers.

We always try to use local suppliers wherever possible and we’ve been working with Bradford based crisp suppliers Seabrooks since 2009.


The Seabrooks Firsts

  • 1950

    First in the UK to launch crinkle cut crisps

  • 1980

    First to start using sunflower oil to cook their crisps

    First putting Worcester Sauce on crisps

  • 2007

    First to remove all MSG and make all their crisps suitable for vegetarians

  • 2013

    First mainstream brand to be completely gluten-free in all their crisp ranges

The Seabrooks Story

We’ve been chatting with Seabrooks about their history and we’ve learnt a lot of interesting facts!

  • Seabrooks was established in 1945 by Mr Charles Brook and is still family owned after being passed down the generations.
  • In the 1950’s Seabrooks became Britain’s first Crinkle Cut Crisp Brand after Charles Brook and Colin Brook moved into their first factory – a one up one down terrace house in Bradford and started delivering crisps door to door.
  • In 1956 the world crisp eating competition was hosted by Seabrooks in Bradford.
  • In 1959 Seabrooks had their very own pop up mobile van shop and by the 1960’s Seabrooks crisps were being sold coast to coast!
  • In 1978 Seabrooks purchased a site at Duncombe Street Bradford and 2 years later opened the Princeville factory which is still used today.
  • Despite Colin Brook being best mates with Sir Ken Morrison he refused to deal with Supermarkets until 1996!
  • In 2004 Seabrooks beat the Guinness world record for the largest packet of crisps, it weighed 51.35kg!
  • In 2007 MSG, all e-numbers and any other unnecessary artificial ingredients were removed by reformulating the flavours.
  • In 2009 the University of Leeds teamed up with Seabrooks to sell local crisps across campus in its 13 cafés and The Refectory.
  • In 2012, Seabrooks crisps were introduced into the new Meal Deals at the University of Leeds.
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